At their most basic, brushes let you achieve the same effect as physical media like paint or colouring pens. But they can be used other things, eg textures, patterns and lighting too.
As well as the standard brushes that come with Photoshop, designers can create others and release them as .ABR (a-brush?) files.
Installing brushes
If you get 3rd party .abr files, you can install them by- Dragging and dropping them into Photoshop (for versions that support this)
- From the menu, choose, Edit > Presets > Preset Manager. Then select Brushes from the dropdown, and use the Load button to add them.
Configuring brushes
Once a brush is selected, there are settings:
- In the top toolbar for the type of brush, size, mode, opacity, and flow of the brush.
- In the brush panel (menu Window > Brush) - options for shape dynamics, scattering, texture, dual brush, colour dynamics, transfer, noise, wet-edge, airbrush, smoothing, protect-texture.
Using brushes
Single click for a single brush stroke, or hold the mouse button and drag the cursor around to create effects.
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